To encourage and fortify relationships between military service members, veterans, their families, their friends, and their Country; to nurture the path of communication for everyone, ensuring that no one is alone or left behind; and proving that we have not, are not, and will never forget the nobility of their sacrifices.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Mail

On this Thanksgiving Day I am lucky enough to be with my family. We are all healthy and happy. There are many service members who are far from their family, whether they are deployed protecting our freedom, or recovering from an injury in one of the many hospitals and rehab facilities.

Children at Janesville Elementry are always excited to know their work has ended up in the hands of a service member, as they are closely related to super heroes (according to one little girl). This year several teachers coordinated letters and artwork for Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving. I have asked a wonderful and strong wife of a wounded Marine to take the student's appreciation to the San Diego hospital and deliver them on my behalf. 

Seeing the hard work and the great pictures these students made for services members brings happiness to my heart. Every time I see one of the children, they want to know all about who got their artwork and letters, and if they like them. I hope I'll have some pictures to share with them soon. I hope to share the smiles they have brought to our Wounded Warriors. 

Remember... Their Sacrifice. Our Freedom.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your support during the holidays. It is good to know we are not forgotten by our fellow American s during this time

Anonymous said...

Has this blogspot been abandoned? No post for almost 4 months