To encourage and fortify relationships between military service members, veterans, their families, their friends, and their Country; to nurture the path of communication for everyone, ensuring that no one is alone or left behind; and proving that we have not, are not, and will never forget the nobility of their sacrifices.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Real Combat Life

It is widely accepted in the medical community that writing about difficult or traumatic experiences and feelings helps the brain process and deal with such experiences in a heathy, healing manner. If these experiences are shared in a friendly supportive environment with like minded people who've had similar experiences.... even better.

Real Combat Life is a place for Veterans of any War, or any country where the United States has held combat operations, like Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, and Kosovo (to name a few) are welcome to share their stories of combat life.

Real Combat Life was started by Patrick Nelson who was a Paratrooper in the Army for 7 years. He completed three combat tours. One twelve month Iraq tour, One twelve month Afghanistan tour, and one fifteen month Afghanistan tour. He was wounded in 2005 by a 107 mm rocket on a small Forward Operating Base near the Pakistani border. He still has shrapnel in his back from the incident.  Patrick is currently a full time student, amongst a slough of other over achiever like activities. He started Real Combat Life, "As a way to help me share my stories as I was (and at times, still am) having a hard transiting from soldier to civilian."

Real Combat Life can be many things, all of them healing in some way. Your story might help a brother or sister know they are not alone.  I encourage you to check it out. Read the stories. If you'd like to contribute, but don't want to use your real name, a pen name is fine. If you do not feel strong in your writing abilities, Real Combat Life can help you write or edit your story. A story can be anything, why you joined the military. A prank you and your buddies pulled. A list of all the ironies of the dessert. A way to honor a fallen friend.

Go to Real Combat Life and tell me what you think.


Spockgirl said...

Now that is a great idea. Writing is indeed therapeutic. (On a personal level, I find the hardest part is taking that first step to share a part of oneself.)

Unknown said...

Spockgirl~ I think the first step is always the hardest... and the scariest, but you can't get anywhere without it! I think Real Combat Life is doing something important, which is why I back it fully.